“To tell the truth, I believe that by creating art which transmits serious meanings and subjects, an artist has the power and influence to force to reflect about ourselves and our planet and to point the attention to significant problems that our world currently deals with. In this way my work  refers  to the creation  of a better  world,  "home"  and  respect  for  all  living  creatures. In my works I want to stress the fact that nowadays many species of animals are in danger of disappearing and their  global population  has declined among others tigers, polar bears, sea turtles, elephants, rhinos, pandas.“ Marcin Owczarek


ARTCO in Aachen is showing new works by Marcin Owczarek in a solo exhibition from 6 May. Marcin will present his works at the opening on 6 May from 12 noon in the gallery.


In his mystical collages  Marcin Owczarek uses the threat to the animal world to draw attention to the ongoing destruction of our habitat. At the same time, the animals are also a metaphor for humanity with their characteristics and virtues. The encounter with the art of Marcin Owczarek inevitably leads the viewer to refllect on himself and his actions against the background of the enormous and urgent challenges facing humanity, such as climate change and environmental destruction.


Owczarek compares the creation of a new artwork to a voyage. He uses thousands of single photographs, each of which he considers with extreme care before commencing the artistic process. He starts by sketching the image he wishes to generate on a piece of paper; a purely conceptual step. He subsequently turns to the computer to “give birth” to what he wanted to achieve via his sketch, resulting in a collage.


Marcin Owczarek (born 1985) studied at the Academy of Photography in Wroclaw, graduating with an award for his cycle “Brave New World“, which presented an idiosyncratic version of a future world.  He currently lives and works in Lier, Belgium. His works are exhibited regularly in the USA and Europe.