Hyperirrealismus : ARTCO Kabinett Aachen

23 January - 13 March 2021

extended until 13 march



ARTCO Gallery is presenting photography by Andreas Botzian in his first solo exhibition in Aachen. In addition to extraordinary picture compositions, his work is characterized by a high level of craftsmanship.


He himself says about the works shown:


“The situations experienced every day can be described as multi-layered. The spectrum ranges from real to unreal to hyper irreal. This is certainly always a question of individual perception but can be transported to a neutrally perceptible level by exaggerating it. 

For this neutral level, I use toy figures in my pictures - as neutral avatars - in unreal or surreal surroundings, which encourage occupation with the respective situation. The implementation of the respective picture idea is created in my studio in an elaborate staging as a still life."